Adaptador de tomada
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Autor:  Francisco Godinho [ quinta jul 17, 2008 10:26 pm ]
Assunto da Mensagem:  Adaptador de tomada


peço ajuda urgente, necessito de encontrar um adaptador de tomada, tipo o da imagem que anexo.
Já agora na zona de Lisboa.


Autor:  RICARDO MATIAS [ quinta jul 17, 2008 10:57 pm ]
Assunto da Mensagem: 

Penso que podes encontrar na LOCATIS cá vai endereço

Autor:  Francisco Godinho [ quinta jul 17, 2008 11:51 pm ]
Assunto da Mensagem: 

Obrigado Ricardo amanha ligo para lá.

Em Lisboa alguem conhece alguma loja que tenha este tipo de adaptador?

Autor:  obelix_xxi [ sexta jul 18, 2008 9:03 am ]
Assunto da Mensagem: 

A dimofel na av liberdade

Autor:  Francisco Godinho [ segunda jul 21, 2008 11:16 pm ]
Assunto da Mensagem: 

Obrigado a ambos pela ajuda.
Já agora a dimofel não tem estes adaptadores.
Optei mandar vir por correio da Locatis.
Já agora informo que possuem de momento 3 modelos, um sem fio (macho/fêmea directo), um outro com pequeno cabo de 30 cm's a separar e um outro com fio mais comprido e extensivel de trés metros.

um abraço

Autor:  Luis Acciaioli [ segunda set 22, 2008 12:37 am ]
Assunto da Mensagem: 

Podes encontrar com facilidade ambas as tomadas em casas de artigos electricos só tens de fazer a montagem que é bastante simples e vais pagar 1/10 do preço.

Autor:  paulo saavedra [ sábado set 27, 2008 11:05 pm ]
Assunto da Mensagem:  adaptador...

locatis,amigo!...aos milhoes e baratisimo...

Autor:  Yangkee284 [ terça nov 11, 2008 5:54 pm ]
Assunto da Mensagem:  Beautiful Smile and Love!

bump!!hahaThe poor are very wonderful people. One evening we went out and we picked up four people from the street. And one of them was in a most terrible condition,and I told the sisters: You take care of the other three. I take care of this one who looked worse. So I did for her all that my love can do. I put her in bed, and there was such a beautiful smile on her face. She took hold of my hand as she said just the words “thank you” and she died. I could not help but examine my conscience[良心]before her and I asked what would I say if I was in her place. And my answer was very simple. I would have tried to draw a little attention to myself. I would have said I am hungry, that I am dying, I am cold, I am in pain, or something, but she gave me much more-she gave me her grateful love. And she died with a smile on her face. As did that man whom we picked up from the drain[阴沟、下水道], half eaten with worms, and we brought him to the home. “I have lived like an animal in the street, but I am going to die like an angel, loved and cared for.” And it was so wonderful to see the greatness of that man who could speak like that, who could die like that without blaming anybody, without cursing anybody, without comparing anything. Like an angel-this is the greatness of our people. And that is why we believe what Jesus had said: I was hungry, I was naked, I was homeless, I was unwanted, unloved, uncared for, and you did it to me.Come and buy WoW Gold, Cheap WoW Gold wow Accounts here, Cheap WoW Gold,Cheap WoW Gold, our WoW Gold web .

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